Women's Personal Finance Wednesday Roundup

Women’s Personal Finance: Wednesday Roundup December 8, 2021

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Welcome to the Women’s Personal Finance Wednesday Roundup! We started this series back in 2018 on TreadLightlyRetireEarly.com to showcase the fabulous women in the online personal finance community who are talking about money online. Even now, there is a perception that women aren’t good with money, don’t care about money, or don’t understand it on a granular level beyond perhaps knowing how to coupon and score a good shopping deal.

These roundups are our way of doing a small part to change that perception. There is no shortage of women online doing their part to make it clear that they DO understand money, and these posts are meant to amplify that fact.

Why does it matter? Because representation matters. Because reading and hearing stories from those who (may or may not) look like us show us that yes, we too can figure out this money thing, that we too have important stories to tell. And that we too know quite a lot about money and are experts worth listening to.

Since Women’s Personal Finance has grown up to get its own website, it’s time to transition these roundups over here to the dedicated website. Same great content, new home!

Our Women’s Personal Finance Facebook group on Facebook also has a sharing thread on Fridays, and that’s the place to read all the blog posts written by members over the previous week. If you’re looking for more articles written by women, that’s a great place to continue reading (plus we have plenty of great discussions on finances the rest of the week as well!).

If you don’t have the time or inclination to go searching down myriad posts, though, we will be continuing this series every week to showcase some of the best of the new content we read. If you ever read a post you think we absolutely need to consider for this roundup, please let us know! We are always open to reading new blogs and want to celebrate those newer voices as well as the more seasoned ones.

And with that, here is the best (in our opinion) content by women and nonbinary folks this past week. Let us know what you think in the comments! We love discussion.

Women’s Personal Finance Weekly Roundup #26 (Actually, 163)

1. Great Resignation? How About Great Realization Katrina Kibben

If someone has not told you that “no one wants to work” in the last three months during what we’ve been calling a Great Resignation, consider yourself blessed. I’ve heard it a million time – on planes, trains, and from every client struggling to hire hourly workers. No lie, I was sitting next to a preacher on an airplane a few weeks ago and he said it. Even Jesus is having trouble hiring.

Every time it comes up, I bite my tongue. I know they’re frustrated and trying to figure out one of the hardest talent markets they’ve seen. Thousands of employers across the country are seeing drops in applications and increases in resignations. Everything is in shift.”

2. Where to Put Your Savings How Much Is That In Tacos?

“When you’re trying to get your finances in order and build that financially secure life, one of your biggest questions may be where to put your savings, stuffed under your mattress just won’t do.

The first thing you need to recognize is not all savings are alike.

Depending on what you’re saving for and when you will need the money, will decide where you should put your saved dollars.”

3. 2021 Inflation Explained – Why It’s Happening, and When It Will End Finance on the Offense

Inflation is running rampant right now! Find out why it’s happened, and when it will (hopefully) end in this video! (YouTube link)

Thanks For Supporting These Women Writers!

As always, if you’re looking for a categorized list of self identified women writing and speaking about personal finance, here is the comprehensive guide to the Women of the Financial Independence Community.

Love what we do here at Women’s Personal Finance? Want to support that effort so we can continue to do the awesome work you love? Sign up to be a Supporter / Join the Insiders Club.

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